42 – How to create a better life… beginning today


Everybody I know wants to have a good life or make their life better. I want to talk about the difference between being reactive vs being responsive. For many years (I’d say from birth to about just over 30 years old) I was reactive. When something went good, I’d be happy. When something went bad, I’d be negative (either upset or depressed, depending on the situation).

It wasn’t until I read over 200 books in a 2 year period that I discovered a life truth: The key to creating a better life is to transcend from being reactive to being responsive. That is, to understand and apply that first our world is created inside our heart and mind before it manifests into our material world. What a revelation that was!

Of course, I am sure many of us have heard the Biblical wisdom “The Kingdom of Heaven is Within You”, which essentially means the same thing. If you think good things (heavenly thoughts with their associated heavenly emotions of love, joy, gratitude and other positive emotions) you create more and more of a heavenly (good) life. Sounds simple right? Yes, it is simple but it is not easy as it requires a lot of self discipline (which by the way gets easier the more you practice every day).

Yes, it does take lots and lots of practice in meditation (being still), prayer, reflection, thought control and plenty of positive affirmations.

So what is it in life that is not working right now for you? Is it your finances? Is it your health? Is it a relationship gone off track? Whatever it is, I can confidently assure you that if you focus on what is wrong or what is lacking, you will stay in that state and situation longer. The secret is to take control of your heart and mind, and focus on what is good, what is helpful, what is positive. When you do this consistently everyday, you will begin to see life move in the direction of these positive thoughts and words.

Focus on what you want and you will move in that direction.

Coincidences will happen – people and events will come into your life to assist you toward your heavenly life.

Have an open mind – stay away from closed minded people and allow your mind to discover what is possible for you.

Be open to every process that assists in creating your better world – eating healthy (your body is a temple to house your spirit so look after it with healthy foods and drinks), meditation (the stillness of your mind – learn techniques) which brings silence so you can hear the inner voice of destiny more clearly, emotional state management (exercise every day for example raises your endorphins and enkephalins – these are important chemicals that make you feel really good, hence creating an empowering biochemistry) and an active prayer life (praying from the heart to God brings a transformation in your mind such that your automatic thoughts become more tuned into the positive).

Have a success attitude – an attitude that you will do whatever it takes and be open minded so that you can discover more of the truth. The wisdom goes “discover the truth and the truth shall set you free”.

Write yourself a simple list of personal development activities you will do everyday to move you in the direction of leading a positive and empowered life – a life where you feel good (the far majority of the time), are in good health, have great relationships and friendships and are financially abundant.

Come along to the Breakfast at the Next Level each month www.solresults.com/nextlevelbreakfasts where you will learn from state leaders of various industries how to become the best version of you and how to be happy in the process.

Live with passion, always stay on your life purpose, and stay at peace.

Stan Kontos 

As South Australia’s foremost authority on “Peak Life Performance” and “Leadership Psychology”, Stan has a passion for the development of Human Potential through the use of Rapid Change Technologies.
Stan is a prolific reader of books and material on self empowerment and has attended numerous programs around the world on personal development, management, marketing, public speaking, and wealth creation. He is a worldwide accredited NLP Trainer (Neurolinguistic Programming).

His areas of passion include:

  • Coaching: Business, Executive and Personal
  • Mentoring: Leaders, Managers and Management teams
  • Therapy for rapid improvements in stress and personal blocks
  • Leadership Development
  • Life Enhancing Seminar Programs teaching Success Strategies and Personal Empowerment

Stan is an entrepreneur with business interests in various states across Australia.

Stan focuses on continuous and never ending improvement of himself and his teams of partners and associates as well as selfless contribution to others. He is an inspiring and motivating speaker, author, coach, and entrepreneur. He desires to expand people’s lives and to expand his charitable quests.

Best wishes to you as you live a life of passion, purpose and peace as an open minded progressive human being.

Stan is considered to be one’s “ultimate” life and business coach.

41 – Face Your Fear & Win


Have you ever had a situation where you avoided doing something because of fear only to realise later (sometimes years down the track) that it wasn’t that frightening anyway?

Can you recall limitations you had as a child, teenager or a young adult that looking back seem silly now?

Do you have something that is holding you back today from moving forward?

Fear is a negative emotion that we all at some stage go through, however, we do not need to be held back by it. It is important that we recognise it for what it really is – it is an illusion that is appearing real in our mind. The way to handle fear is to face it and march through it bravely (of course we are talking about irrational fears and not protective fears that preserve your life).

I have an affirmation that I say to myself daily and it goes like this; “I will never live in fear, and fear will never live in me”. Courage, thus is the act of marching through the fear bravely, that is, facing the fear and winning over it.

Fear is a call to action, a call for us to grow through what we need to grow through so we can become better people. Yes, personal growth is hard work but it is permanently rewarding. A great wisdom I refer to always is “Transform your life by the renewing of your mind”. We need to march through the fear so we can change our thinking and realise it was all an illusion. Once we conquer the fear, we are free to march forward into our destiny. Our destiny is what we are called to do in our life – our life’s purpose.

Don’t let fear hold you back. If you need to, get a good coach that can show you some techniques to conquer it. Realise you are not the only person that needs to do this, at some stage every human being has had to march through fear. And understand that conquering your fear is a personal and spiritual development process that will make you a better version of you. And this new version of you, will be able to now, become more, accomplish more, and give more to the world.

Courage is not having no fear. Courage is marching on despite the fear. And when you get through it (and sometimes you have to do it a number of times such as public speaking), you will transform and become fearless because you will discover that there is nothing to be fearful about in the first place.

Here are some daily affirmations to help you:

I will never live in fear and fear will never live in me

I am brave

I am bold

I am courageous

Personal growth may be challenging but it is always permanently rewarding

I face the fear and I win

I wish you best of results in conquering that which is holding you back and if you reside in South Australia, come along to Breakfast at the Next Level www.solresults.com/nextlevelbreakfasts

Live with passion, always stay on your life purpose, and stay at peace.

Stan Kontos 

As South Australia’s foremost authority on “Peak Life Performance” and “Leadership Psychology”, Stan has a passion for the development of Human Potential through the use of Rapid Change Technologies.
Stan is a prolific reader of books and material on self empowerment and has attended numerous programs around the world on personal development, management, marketing, public speaking, and wealth creation. He is a worldwide accredited NLP Trainer (Neurolinguistic Programming).

His areas of passion include:

  • Coaching: Business, Executive and Personal
  • Mentoring: Leaders, Managers and Management teams
  • Therapy for rapid improvements in stress and personal blocks
  • Leadership Development
  • Life Enhancing Seminar Programs teaching Success Strategies and Personal Empowerment

Stan is an entrepreneur with business interests in various states across Australia.

Stan focuses on continuous and never ending improvement of himself and his teams of partners and associates as well as selfless contribution to others. He is an inspiring and motivating speaker, author, coach, and entrepreneur. He desires to expand people’s lives and to expand his charitable quests.

Best wishes to you as you live a life of passion, purpose and peace as an open minded progressive human being.

Stan is considered to be one’s “ultimate” life and business coach.

40 – Rules can be changed… Laws are forever


It is so important to develop the skill of distinguishing as to what are “man made rules” and what are “universal life laws”.  Sometimes we get the two confused so I will endeavour to explain the difference.

Firstly, being humans we are all imperfect (yes, I know some of us think we are really amazing but realistically we will make mistakes from time to time – welcome to humanity). How do we know when something is a “rule” vs a “law” and what is the difference?

A rule is “man made” and can be changed without consequences. For example, one day a road may have a 50km/hour sign and the next day it may be changed by the Road Transport Department to 60km/hour. Had you broken the rule the day before and done 60km in the 50km zone, and there was no camera, then you would get away with it and there’d be no repercussions (I am not suggesting you willfully break these rules, however am using this to demonstrate a point… read on). Even though we may at times call these “laws”, the fact remains they are not life laws but merely  “man-made rules” as they can be changed by man (or woman).

A life law on the other hand is a universal understanding that has its origins from the beginning of time and does not change ever (even after a thousand years). The “law of gravity” is a typical example, you can jump off a cliff and think you can fly, but unless you are a bird, you will fall! It is a universal life law that what goes up must come down – this is the law of gravity. Other laws include, but are not limited to, the law of “sow and reap” – what you put out you get back, for example, if you treat people well, you will have more people treat you well and vice versa… (this is very important in business as well as with family relations). There are life laws from antiquity such as “Thou Shalt Not Lie” are – if you lie, and you know it, you will not feel good (your conscience will not be able to rest) apart from the fact you may get found out and lose other people’s respect.  The life law,  The Law of Reciprocity is another such powerful law – if you give generously to someone then they will subconsciously want to give back to you. Try it and see how it will bring blessings into your life, I’m sure we’ve all heard the saying “treat others the way you’d like to be treated yourself – with kindness and respect”.

As we get older, we discover (much from mistakes or from other wise people) what are rules and what are laws. We learn that although we must to our best, endeavours follow both rules and laws, it is the laws that can have a more profound effect on our life – particularly with our personal development and spiritual development. If we want peace of mind, joy, happiness and more abundance in our lives (whether it is the abundance of love, money or health) then we must be extra diligent with following the life laws. Following life laws ultimately gives us more life.

I encourage you to begin thinking today and ensure you do not give the same value to when you inadvertently break a rule vs breaking a law. Although we must always endeavour to always do the right thing, learn to be forgiving to yourself (basically this means I am sorry and will do my utmost to never do this again) and realise that laws have much more significant impact on your destiny than rules.

For me, I get annoyed at myself if I inadvertently drive 55km/hour in a 50km/hour zone as I do not want to receive a fine. And if there is no camera, I just say to myself “C’mon next time let’s be more observant buddy”.  However, I get really upset with myself if I break a life law such as being “snappy” toward someone and not treating them the way I’d like to be treated.

In both cases, I will forgive myself, reflect and endeavour to do better next time.

If you want to become better at life laws, come to Breakfast at the Next Level (www.solresults.com/nextlevelbreakfasts) and you will see that the highly successful South Australian leaders we bring on as guests do tend to do one thing in common, and that is, they know and apply life laws.

Live with passion, always stay on your life purpose, and stay at peace.

Stan Kontos 

As South Australia’s foremost authority on “Peak Life Performance” and “Leadership Psychology”, Stan has a passion for the development of Human Potential through the use of Rapid Change Technologies.
Stan is a prolific reader of books and material on self empowerment and has attended numerous programs around the world on personal development, management, marketing, public speaking, and wealth creation. He is a worldwide accredited NLP Trainer (Neurolinguistic Programming).

His areas of passion include:

  • Coaching: Business, Executive and Personal
  • Mentoring: Leaders, Managers and Management teams
  • Therapy for rapid improvements in stress and personal blocks
  • Leadership Development
  • Life Enhancing Seminar Programs teaching Success Strategies and Personal Empowerment

Stan is an entrepreneur with business interests in various states across Australia.

Stan focuses on continuous and never ending improvement of himself and his teams of partners and associates as well as selfless contribution to others. He is an inspiring and motivating speaker, author, coach, and entrepreneur. He desires to expand people’s lives and to expand his charitable quests.

Best wishes to you as you live a life of passion, purpose and peace as an open minded progressive human being.

Stan is considered to be one’s “ultimate” life and business coach.

39 – Thoughts & words have power… use them wisely


Have you heard of the wisdom “Sow & Reap”?  Nature provides all the answers for us in life & business. What we plant or sow (the seed) is what we reap in the future. If we sow well, then we reap well, and vice versa.

How are you sowing with people in your environment? Are you thinking and speaking positively toward everyone or are you using negative language? Are you an encourager, an inspirer, a person who loves human beings? Or are you one who puts people down, deflates them and sees people as a burden? The more you focus on the good of each human being in your life, the better you will feel, the better you will make others feel, and the more likely it is that good will come back to you from them.

What are you sowing in your finances? Are you thinking and speaking abundance “money comes to me in increasing quantities from multiple sources, it is so, thank you”. Or do you say “I don’t have the money, things are getting expensive, I can’t seem to get ahead and always fall behind”.  If you want to break the “poverty trap” you have to change your thinking about money, finances, and wealth. You must speak and feel good as if you have the finances you desire and deserve (and of course you must make the actions as well – faith without works is dead but faith with works brings results).

What have you sown in your health to create the goodness or issues you have today? If you are one of those people that has thought and spoken positively about your health in the past “I love exercise daily, I eat organic produce and feel great, I am looking good, feeling great, and in great health” then you will have better health than if you didn’t speak this way about yourself.

Speak that which you want to bring into your life, speak that which you want to create, be, do and have. Words have power and you have the power to use language to shape your world. This is a life law available to everyone. People who do well , do so, because they think well and speak well. You have the same power as anyone else to shape your destiny and make your life a master piece.

Here are some words you can affirm daily to improve your life:

  • I like myself
  • I like people
  • Life is great
  • Everyday in every way I am getting wealthier and wealthier
  • I am healthy and full of vitality, I feel great
  • I am happy and joyful
  • I am blessed and guided

Make a commitment to begin today, being highly aware of the power of how you think and speak about yourself, and about others.

Come along to the breakfast www.solresults.com/nextlevelbreakfasts/ and learn from successful people how you too can bring more success into your life. Listen to them speak and you will see that thought and language is everything.

Stan Kontos 

As South Australia’s foremost authority on “Peak Life Performance” and “Leadership Psychology”, Stan has a passion for the development of Human Potential through the use of Rapid Change Technologies.
Stan is a prolific reader of books and material on self empowerment and has attended numerous programs around the world on personal development, management, marketing, public speaking, and wealth creation. He is a worldwide accredited NLP Trainer (Neurolinguistic Programming).

His areas of passion include:

  • Coaching: Business, Executive and Personal
  • Mentoring: Leaders, Managers and Management teams
  • Therapy for rapid improvements in stress and personal blocks
  • Leadership Development
  • Life Enhancing Seminar Programs teaching Success Strategies and Personal Empowerment

Stan is an entrepreneur with business interests in various states across Australia.

Stan focuses on continuous and never ending improvement of himself and his teams of partners and associates as well as selfless contribution to others. He is an inspiring and motivating speaker, author, coach, and entrepreneur. He desires to expand people’s lives and to expand his charitable quests.

Best wishes to you as you live a life of passion, purpose and peace as an open minded progressive human being.

Stan is considered to be one’s “ultimate” life and business coach.

38 – Who you spend time with is who you become


People often ask me how we came up with the idea for Breakfast at The Next Level whereby we interview amazing leaders, entrepreneurs, and those that have a powerful influence in our society.

Many years ago (almost 20 years ago now), I desired to learn more about success. I didn’t know the answers but I knew that others knew. I became a seeker of success, and you know the wisdom “If you seek, you shall find.” I personally followed up CEO’s, entrepreneurs, and other leaders to learn from them on a personal one to one basis. The education they imparted to me was invaluable in assisting me to grow a business chain, create wealth in real estate, develop an enjoyable style of life, grow spiritually, and master my thinking and emotions at a higher level.

We now have the privilege of bringing these types of people to over 100 audience members so they can enjoy learning from our inspiring guests each month. We host Breakfast at the Next Level 11 times a year on the first Wednesday of every month from 7:00am to 8:30am, check out our website for more information www.solresults.com/nextlevelbreakfasts/

The secret to success is to learn from those who have succeeded and to apply this knowledge in your life. Yes that’s right, once you have acquired the knowledge (hence the importance of attending events like the breakfast event), you then need a program or system to integrate it into your life, execute the strategies, and create the results. This second step is where a resource like a coach can be invaluable. That coach could be a formal arrangement, such as becoming a Platinum Program Member at SOL Results, for example, or it could be a business partner that holds you accountable or even your wife, husband or partner that has a skill set in making sure you deliver and do what you say you will do. We all need someone to hold us accountable and help us, I have someone to coach me to success and have had one for 20 years.

Once you have the information, have someone to help you to succeed, and you do succeed, it is then important to pass this knowledge on to your family (perhaps you have kids and want them to have a better life), friends, business partners and colleagues. There is plenty of success to go around for everyone! When we all teach success because we want others to do better, we help create a better society that becomes world leading. When we have a world leading society, we can then help the less fortunate societies to improve.

So, it is important that you discover your inner potential and be the very best version of you that you can possibly be. The more you explore what amazing things you are capable of, the progress created will bring greater happiness into your life, and then you will impact others in your circle of influence helping make their lives better too.

Hence, the purpose of Breakfast at the Next Level is much more than just listening to someone who has been very successful. It is about making you more successful and then everyone you influence.

Stan Kontos 

As South Australia’s foremost authority on “Peak Life Performance” and “Leadership Psychology”, Stan has a passion for the development of Human Potential through the use of Rapid Change Technologies.
Stan is a prolific reader of books and material on self empowerment and has attended numerous programs around the world on personal development, management, marketing, public speaking, and wealth creation. He is a worldwide accredited NLP Trainer (Neurolinguistic Programming).

His areas of passion include:

  • Coaching: Business, Executive and Personal
  • Mentoring: Leaders, Managers and Management teams
  • Therapy for rapid improvements in stress and personal blocks
  • Leadership Development
  • Life Enhancing Seminar Programs teaching Success Strategies and Personal Empowerment

Stan is an entrepreneur with business interests in various states across Australia.

Stan focuses on continuous and never ending improvement of himself and his teams of partners and associates as well as selfless contribution to others. He is an inspiring and motivating speaker, author, coach, and entrepreneur. He desires to expand people’s lives and to expand his charitable quests.

Best wishes to you as you live a life of passion, purpose and peace as an open minded progressive human being.

Stan is considered to be one’s “ultimate” life and business coach.

37 – Leaders are Readers


Have you ever wondered how one habit could yield your results in every area of your life?  What is this “one thing everything” activity that if we created a habit out of it, it would result in our life transforming before our very eyes and everyone would ask us “Wow – how did you think of that?”

Well my friends, that “one thing everything” is thirsting for knowledge and seeking answers. I learnt a long time ago that “leaders are readers”. We are very fortunate in today’s age as we have so much information literally at our fingertips – we can read a book (or kindle) or listen to an audio recording of a book. We have the blessing of being able to utilise our “down time” (such as when driving in our car) for audio books and can educate ourselves every day on any topic we are thirsting for.

Whether it is spiritual matters, mindset development, business strategy, wealth creation or relationship enhancement – we have it all at our finger tips. Having said that, are we really using this incredible gift to its maximum capacity?  The answer for most of us is a resounding “no”. You see, ongoing adult education is a habit. First we create a new habit, then this habit re-creates us and every habit takes repetition before it becomes subconsciously programmed and automatic behaviour (usually daily for 30 days is the golden rule).

How can we then create this new habit of adding knowledge into the storehouse of our mind?  The best way, is to become accountable to someone. Whether it is a Performance Coach & Mentor like myself, or someone else, the key is to let someone know that you will be reporting to them on a weekly basis on the progress of your new habit – Adult Education. Whether you like reading books or listening to books, make a decision today to make every day count by continually developing your mind. Choose a topic that interests you and that can add significant value to your life and begin today/tonight by going online and buying this educational tool. Then from tomorrow, create this new habit of daily education (make sure you are accountable to someone) and in 30 days you will not be able to do without it – your subconscious will remind you automatically, daily that you need to do it.

We all have the capacity to become great leaders and in order to do so, we need to become diligent and consistent readers.

And yes talking about leaders, come along (if you are in Adelaide) to Breakfast at the Next Level www.solresults.com and listen as I interview another amazing leader into how they have excelled in their field of excellence so you too can learn and apply the secrets to success.

I encourage you to go forward and commit to your own personal development by becoming a daily reader.

Live with passion, stay on your life’s purpose, and always be at peace.

Stan Kontos 

As South Australia’s foremost authority on “Peak Life Performance” and “Leadership Psychology”, Stan has a passion for the development of Human Potential through the use of Rapid Change Technologies.
Stan is a prolific reader of books and material on self empowerment and has attended numerous programs around the world on personal development, management, marketing, public speaking, and wealth creation. He is a worldwide accredited NLP Trainer (Neurolinguistic Programming).

His areas of passion include:

  • Coaching: Business, Executive and Personal
  • Mentoring: Leaders, Managers and Management teams
  • Therapy for rapid improvements in stress and personal blocks
  • Leadership Development
  • Life Enhancing Seminar Programs teaching Success Strategies and Personal Empowerment

Stan is an entrepreneur with business interests in various states across Australia.

Stan focuses on continuous and never ending improvement of himself and his teams of partners and associates as well as selfless contribution to others. He is an inspiring and motivating speaker, author, coach, and entrepreneur. He desires to expand people’s lives and to expand his charitable quests.

Best wishes to you as you live a life of passion, purpose and peace as an open minded progressive human being.

Stan is considered to be one’s “ultimate” life and business coach.

36 – 2018… It’s time to set aside some time for yourself


Over the years, I have coached and mentored hundreds of people from all walks of life, different types of businesses, and professions. And one thing I have learnt is there are patterns of behavior we can easily fall into due to our environmental influence. One of the things we need to be careful of living in a Western lifestyle is hurry disease, the need to keep doing things efficiently and over working ourselves.

If you ever get the chance to visit Ikaria, a Greek Island renowned for having some of the longest living people in the world, you will soon discover that stress is minimal. People sleep in until late morning, the shops don’t open until 12 noon! You catch up with friends every afternoon for a chin wag and a glass of wine, and you always get a siesta every afternoon (usually 30-90 minutes).

What a contrast to the stress levels we endure in Western civilised society – at least 1/3 of adults do not sleep well, have to drive through traffic, hurry to get to meetings on time, gobble down our lunch, fight our circadian rhythms to stay awake with a coffee in the afternoon so we do not fall asleep at our desk and push through the day so we can get home and get onto our laptops only to do more work!

It is time to set aside time for yourself, time to reflect, meditate and bring more peace into your life. I encourage you to begin thinking about how you can incorporate a little of the “Ikarian life” into your life here in your Western world. Perhaps you can take 15 to 30 minutes out each day to meditate, or schedule half a day each week to review your goals and aspirations and ensure you are on track, or develop a regular group of friends to enjoy human interactions outside of your business/work (a walking group, a tennis group, a cycling group, and so forth).

Let this year be the year you bring more balance into your life and realise that a long, healthy life needs the foundation of peace, rest, reflection and human interaction at a deeper level.

If you would like further information about Balance of Life strategies, please enquire with one of our staff members at SOL Results on (08) 8362 3111 about our Platinum Program.

Live with passion , purpose and of course always aim to be at peace.

Stan Kontos 

As South Australia’s foremost authority on “Peak Life Performance” and “Leadership Psychology”, Stan has a passion for the development of Human Potential through the use of Rapid Change Technologies.
Stan is a prolific reader of books and material on self empowerment and has attended numerous programs around the world on personal development, management, marketing, public speaking, and wealth creation. He is a worldwide accredited NLP Trainer (Neurolinguistic Programming).

His areas of passion include:

  • Coaching: Business, Executive and Personal
  • Mentoring: Leaders, Managers and Management teams
  • Therapy for rapid improvements in stress and personal blocks
  • Leadership Development
  • Life Enhancing Seminar Programs teaching Success Strategies and Personal Empowerment

Stan is an entrepreneur with business interests in various states across Australia.

Stan focuses on continuous and never ending improvement of himself and his teams of partners and associates as well as selfless contribution to others. He is an inspiring and motivating speaker, author, coach, and entrepreneur. He desires to expand people’s lives and to expand his charitable quests.

Best wishes to you as you live a life of passion, purpose and peace as an open minded progressive human being.

Stan is considered to be one’s “ultimate” life and business coach.

35 – You must BELIEVE it to be able to ACHIEVE it


Happy New Year!

With the new year, it is an opportune time to revisit the importance of belief and faith. You see faith is a belief in something you cannot see (yet). And the law of life is such that what you believe in your heart and mind, you will gravitate towards achieving. So it goes without doubt that the most important thing in achieving any goal is to believe it. Most people will not set a big goal because they do not believe they will be able to achieve it and/or believe they will fail so they do not bother.

Here is a challenge for you… why not set a goal to develop a belief (as so develop the inner faith) that you can achieve and will be able to achieve your chosen goal? So whether that goal is to heal yourself of an ailment, or to expand your business or career, or to make a certain amount of money, or to have that amazing holiday – everything needs to come from the origins of an empowering belief.

So, how do we develop an empowering belief that we can do something and in turn develop the inner conviction (the inner faith) that we will achieve it? Here are some proven methodologies I have found helpful:

1. Positively affirm the goal to yourself verbally and with positive emotions many times a day (verbalise and emotionalise)

“I am feeling better & better each day. I am fully recovered”

“Everything I do makes me more & more money”

“Thank you for I am enjoying an amazing holiday with my family and friends”

When you say it, say it with passion and excitement. Mix it with empowering emotions like love, joy, and excitement by thinking of something that brings on that emotion or listening to music in the background that helps you feel good as you are doing your affirmations.

2. Visualisation (visualise) – get a sense or if you can, see the result you want in your mind. Get excited that it has happened. Feel good as you see the outcome you want.

3. Project the outcome to a higher source (prayer).

If you (like me) believe there is a greater source out there that loves you & wants to help you (I call it God, others call it Divine or Grace), then project it out using methods in 1 and 2 and believe that there will be a force or series of coincidences that will come to assist you and help you to strengthen this empowering belief system that will in turn give you the bounce in your step, the conviction in your heart, and the determination in your soul, to go and make it happen in the material world.

You see, it is all about belief. You must believe something if you are to achieve it otherwise it is pointless setting goals without an inner faith growing to help you take the necessary action to bring your faith into physical reality. Hang around people who help strengthen your belief – good people will always motivate you toward your goals.

Make it a point to always seek a way to develop the belief system behind the goal so that you can have that amazing power of inner faith that will give you the inner resources to keep going until you achieve the outcome you desire.

And if you are from Adelaide or in Adelaide, schedule to come along to Breakfast at the Next level where you will hear from people who have achieved amazing things in their life so that you can take home the conviction that you too are great and can achieve what you desire in your heart as well (www.nextlevelbreakfasts.com.au). Always remember the power of one-on-one coaching and mentoring whereby people who get a coach achieve 95% of their annual goals, checkout further information on our website (www.solresultscoaching.com).

Live with passion, stay on your life’s purpose and always be at peace.

Stan Kontos 

As South Australia’s foremost authority on “Peak Life Performance” and “Leadership Psychology”, Stan has a passion for the development of Human Potential through the use of Rapid Change Technologies.
Stan is a prolific reader of books and material on self empowerment and has attended numerous programs around the world on personal development, management, marketing, public speaking, and wealth creation. He is a worldwide accredited NLP Trainer (Neurolinguistic Programming).

His areas of passion include:

  • Coaching: Business, Executive and Personal
  • Mentoring: Leaders, Managers and Management teams
  • Therapy for rapid improvements in stress and personal blocks
  • Leadership Development
  • Life Enhancing Seminar Programs teaching Success Strategies and Personal Empowerment

Stan is an entrepreneur with business interests in various states across Australia.

Stan focuses on continuous and never ending improvement of himself and his teams of partners and associates as well as selfless contribution to others. He is an inspiring and motivating speaker, author, coach, and entrepreneur. He desires to expand people’s lives and to expand his charitable quests.

Best wishes to you as you live a life of passion, purpose and peace as an open minded progressive human being.

Stan is considered to be one’s “ultimate” life and business coach.

34 – The Power of a Value System


Did you know one of my greatest inspirational moments was when I read how Benjamin Franklin developed himself to such an incredible world changing level? Do you want to know what he did to become a world leader? Well here is one of the key things he did… he developed his value system. What is a value system? It is a series of emotional states that create behaviours that dictate what we value in life.

So for example, if we say we value our health then logically our behaviours will be to eat healthy, think healthy (minimise stressful thoughts), exercise daily, drink alcohol moderately and have a program for managing our health (prevention is better than cure). Hence, if we say we value health and we display the behaviours as well, then we are living congruently. If we say though that we value something (like health) but do not display the behaviours then we are incongruent and not really serious about our proposed value.

So it is with other things we value in life such as love, family, friends, giving, happiness, wealth creation, leadership, and so the list of values goes on and on.

Benjamin Franklin realised that value systems require daily attention to create habitual behaviours and it would take about a month before a behaviour became permanent – that is a habitual force in one’s personality.

I have been working on my values lately to further strengthen my personality and the last month have focused on a daily basis to ensure I display the following 4 key values each day;

  1. Love & kindness – I always look for ways to make people feel special whether it is buying them a gift, buying them a meal, giving them a helping hand, complimenting them, displaying positive energy toward them and so forth.
  2. Courageous – this past month I have looked for ways to get out of my comfort zone and face any uncertainties “head on”. Items  like undertaking a larger investment than normal (something that stretches me), speaking out and challenging when I think someone is being unfair, or going out of my comfort zone and powerfully addressing problems that have come up.
  3. Encouraging – this may link to number 1 somewhat – always looking for ways to be uplifting to people and getting them to focus on what is possible rather than focus on what is stopping them from achieving things (a very powerful method in my coaching and mentoring)
  4. Generosity – stretching out of my comfort zone in giving larger amounts of money to necessary or needy causes and learning to feel good thinking bigger in this area of my life. Also continually thinking of ways to give money, knowledge or time to everyone I am about to meet or who become attracted into my life.

So what will be the 3-4 key values you will focus on in the next month over the festive season? Will it be happiness, health, abundance, contribution, love, kindness, expansiveness, leadership, or other value systems?

I encourage you to write down 3-4 values and monitor yourself each and every day for a month. Perhaps get someone close to you to give you an honest assessment how you have been going and whether they can see your internal development coming through? And of course always spend time with people who have developed very powerful value systems to learn from them.

Stan Kontos 

As South Australia’s foremost authority on “Peak Life Performance” and “Leadership Psychology”, Stan has a passion for the development of Human Potential through the use of Rapid Change Technologies.
Stan is a prolific reader of books and material on self empowerment and has attended numerous programs around the world on personal development, management, marketing, public speaking, and wealth creation. He is a worldwide accredited NLP Trainer (Neurolinguistic Programming).

His areas of passion include:

  • Coaching: Business, Executive and Personal
  • Mentoring: Leaders, Managers and Management teams
  • Therapy for rapid improvements in stress and personal blocks
  • Leadership Development
  • Life Enhancing Seminar Programs teaching Success Strategies and Personal Empowerment

Stan is an entrepreneur with business interests in various states across Australia.

Stan focuses on continuous and never ending improvement of himself and his teams of partners and associates as well as selfless contribution to others. He is an inspiring and motivating speaker, author, coach, and entrepreneur. He desires to expand people’s lives and to expand his charitable quests.

Best wishes to you as you live a life of passion, purpose and peace as an open minded progressive human being.

Stan is considered to be one’s “ultimate” life and business coach.

33 – What is the Value of Wise Advice?


Have you ever said to yourself “I wish I knew this when I was younger.” Whilst we cannot turn back the years, we can change our thinking by thinking more into the future and realising what we need to know now to help get us to our goals in life.

A good friend of mine shared with me the following wisdom, “Everything that you are seeking is seeking you”.  What does this mean? Well… what it means is, if we are inspired to have something in life, then if we seek diligently, we will find the way to achieve it and we will grow as a person on the journey of attaining this goal. There is always someone who has done what you want to do. There is always someone who can shift your thinking which will then propagate you in the direction of your goals and dreams. Your role is to find this someone.

What is required of you is to recognise the impact of a conversation, the effect of a series of conversations, or the change a relationship will have on your future.

Who you associate with on a consistent basis is who you become most like. That’s right… “You cannot fly like an eagle if you surround yourself with turkeys” is a wisdom another good friend of mine told me many decades ago (it actually made me laugh the first time I heard this).

So, if there is something you want to bring into your life in the next 1, 3 or 5 years, who do you need in your life today to assist you to get there? Who do you need to become to be worthy of this goal? What do you need to learn to give you the knowledge and confidence to achieve this?

One of my many passions in life is “coaching (mindset development) and mentoring (sharing strategies and contacts)” and after having coached hundreds of business and career oriented people over decades I do know one thing: “What you think about and take action with, on a daily basis, is who you become and what you bring into your life.” And in order to think constructively on a daily basis, you need to have the right people in your life. This is the secret to all success.

So as we approach the end of this year and the beginning of a new year 2018, what will you do differently next year to assure you of creating a worthy year? How will you make 2018 a great year?

My friends, life is a gift and you can never turn back the clock. Proper planning, preparation and people will help you yield the life you desire and deserve.

Come along to the next breakfast and be inspired with Dr Barry Kirby http://www.nextlevelbreakfasts.com.au/

Make a decision today to make 2018 an amazing year very different to 2017. And make the decision to bring in the resources (books, people, and coach/mentor) that will guarantee an outstanding year for you and your family.

Stan Kontos 

As South Australia’s foremost authority on “Peak Life Performance” and “Leadership Psychology”, Stan has a passion for the development of Human Potential through the use of Rapid Change Technologies.
Stan is a prolific reader of books and material on self empowerment and has attended numerous programs around the world on personal development, management, marketing, public speaking, and wealth creation. He is a worldwide accredited NLP Trainer (Neurolinguistic Programming).

His areas of passion include:

  • Coaching: Business, Executive and Personal
  • Mentoring: Leaders, Managers and Management teams
  • Therapy for rapid improvements in stress and personal blocks
  • Leadership Development
  • Life Enhancing Seminar Programs teaching Success Strategies and Personal Empowerment

Stan is an entrepreneur with business interests in various states across Australia.

Stan focuses on continuous and never ending improvement of himself and his teams of partners and associates as well as selfless contribution to others. He is an inspiring and motivating speaker, author, coach, and entrepreneur. He desires to expand people’s lives and to expand his charitable quests.

Best wishes to you as you live a life of passion, purpose and peace as an open minded progressive human being.

Stan is considered to be one’s “ultimate” life and business coach.