Words of Inspiration | Your Health is Your Wealth
In my entire life, this is the health wisdom that has had the greatest impact on me: ‘In your lifetime, you will have to spend a certain amount of money on your health. Either you invest it in disease prevention or you spend it in disease management – either way it will be your choice. What will be the point of creating lots of wealth if you must spend it to manage your disease? Choose instead to maintain your health WHILE building wealth and enjoy both’.
I once I gave a talk to a group of CEO’s on how to be healthier and younger each year (younger from a biological point of view, not a chronological perspective). My personal policy is to only teach what I do. When we optimise our health, we optimise our business & career performance – we have boundless energy to excel professionally and there is plenty of energy left over to enjoy personally (with family & friends).
This is a huge topic so I will share 10 key principals that have assisted me to keep taking my health and fitness to another level.
- Surround yourself with a team of experts to prevent health issues and to quickly manage any disease that may be detected – General Practitioner (6monthly checkup on various key measures including cholesterol, glucose levels, electrolytes, blood cells, and others) ; Naturopath (annually including live blood analysis, hair strand analysis, and other items), Personal Trainer (twice a week), Remedial masseuse (minimum monthly), Acupuncturist (as needed), Chiropractor (6 weekly maintenance), and comprehensive skin clinic checkups (twice a year).
- Exercise twice a day, everyday – I have a FitBit device that measures and ensures I achieve a minimum of 10,000 steps daily. Include at least 2 strength training sessions each week within this.
- Eat healthy (vegetables, salads, fish) and only have “treats” once a week or a maximum 6 times a month (ie 6/30 = 20% maximum rule). Included in this is the use of supplements – your supplements should be intelligently selected. Contact me if you want to know more about supplements that I personally take and the reasoning behind it.
- Alcohol only on weekends and no more than 2 standard drinks for the weekend. If a party occurs during the week, I may add one more drink for the week but that’s it (yes no getting drunk for me!).
- Find ways to add exercise to your week – I have a 7minute intense program which I slot in whenever I can create the time (30seconds pushups followed by 10secs rest, 30secs situps followed by 10secs rest, 30 secs squats, 10 secs rest, and so forth).
- Keep your beliefs positive – never allow any limiting belief to enter your mind. It is incredible the amount of times I hear people say “Oh, my family died young so I will most likely die young too” or “Heart disease is in my family so I will probably get it too”…..get rid of stinkin’ thinkin’ .
- Drink only alkaline water 80% of the time – I have a Kangen machine that creates ionised and alkaline water. Alkalinity is linked to health.
- Measure yourself daily – I measure my weight, steps and heart rate daily.
- Cleanse once or twice a year – a cleaning program gives the liver a break and revitalises you. It is also a great spiritual discipline (often called fasting).
- Avoid radiation near your brain – keep mobile phones, digital alarm clocks, and other electrical devices away from your head and at the far end of the bed room.
Remember, your health is your wealth. One of the most empowering life strategies is to keep increasing your earning (and equity creation) potential with the view to enjoying it with your family & friends. Plus, by adopting a health conscious way of life, you will have a sharper mind and more energy to be the best you can possibly be.
For those with a more spiritual awareness, the body is the temple that houses your spirit – treat it with care and use it wisely then you will enjoy the journey that your soul is destined to have.
You are welcome to challenge me anytime on my personal health principles – you will find that I am highly congruent and I would like to empower you too to make the decision and enjoy the power that self discipline brings to your life.
Until next time, live with passion, stay on your life’s purpose and always be at peace.
Live with passion, stay on your life purpose, and always be at peace.

Stan Kontos
His areas of passion include:
* Coaching: Business, Executive and Personal
* Mentoring: Leaders, Managers and Management teams
* Therapy for rapid improvements in stress and personal blocks
* Leadership Development
* Life Enhancing Seminar Programs teaching Success Strategies and Personal Empowerment
Stan is an entrepreneur with business interests in various states across Australia.
As South Australia’s foremost authority on “Peak Life Performance” and “Leadership Psychology”, Stan has a passion for the development of Human Potential through the use of Rapid Change Technologies.
Stan is a prolific reader of books and material on self empowerment and has attended numerous programs around the world on personal development, management, marketing, public speaking, and wealth creation. He is a worldwide accredited NLP Trainer (Neurolinguistic Programming).
Stan focuses on continuous and never ending improvement of himself and his teams of partners and associates as well as selfless contribution to others. He is an inspiring and motivating speaker, author, coach, and entrepreneur. He desires to expand people’s lives and to expand his charitable quests.
Best wishes to you as you live a life of passion, purpose and peace as an open minded progressive human being.
Stan is considered to be one’s “ultimate” life and business coach.