7 – Put Love in all that you do and you will create Great results Every Time

Have you ever had someone cook you a meal which they have made perhaps many times before but it tasted different?  How is it that the same meal, cooked with the same ingredients, by the same person, can taste so different to the previous time?  I experience this phenomenon from time to time with my mum’s cooking (I think my mum is the best cook). I always wonder why sometimes it tastes amazingly good (and I get the same comments from my wife and kids) whereas other times it tastes just plain bland?  I have come to a resolution that the difference is whether it is an “act of love and service” or not.  I am convinced that when mum is excited in us coming over, and she has a clear mind,  she puts in lots & lots of effort and all that energy is transferred into the quality of the meal (as opposed to if she is feeling down and has problems on her mind which she cannot shake off).

I find that this is true with everything we do. Whether we are in business, sales, or service, when we put love into every interaction with customers, they will sense it. People do things because it makes them feel good –  then they justify with logic – this is the sales process. We always buy something because it makes us feel a certain way, then we quickly find the logic to convince ourselves that it was a good buy! I have discovered and it goes without say that if you put love into your health/exercise program, love into your relationships and friendships, love into your career, and love into reading & learning that you will get much more out of each activity than if you did it out of  a sense of obligation.

Now we all know the emotion of love for we have felt it – the love of our spouse/partner, the love of a child, the love of a pet, the love of a parent, and even the love of a sports car!  It is an emotion we all enjoy and look for ways to activate it more often.

And here’s the secret…..when you learn to use your mind to activate this emotion anytime, you will have found the secret to lasting happiness. But not only that….when you activate this emotion as you think, write or take action steps toward your key goals, then you will bring into reality all your dreams and aspirations. Most people do not realise that the secret to effective goal setting and manifestation is to continually create positive emotions associated with each dream, goal, plan, step, and daily task! So successful goal setting and achieving is a combination of mindset (knowing how to think and feel great) and strategy (knowing how to follow a proven goal setting process).

We will be teaching this and more at The Goal Achievers Workshop on Saturday 12th September – this seminar program is free to all our Breakfast Members and Real Estate Riches participants, and otherwise only $199.00 if you wish to come along. It will be a fun and informative morning that will change lives. So if you’re free on Saturday morning, come along for a great time with Manuel and myself.

Andrew Carnegie, who is featured in the book “Think & Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill”, was the first person I know to have this process of manifestation documented and what an amazing man he was! Going from a factory floor worker to the richest man in the world within 20 years…wow! He created so much wealth that he was giving the equivalent of millions away each day and could not give it all away by the time he passed on…an amazing story.  Mr Carnegie discovered that the secret to getting thoughts and words into one’s subconscious mind was to mix them with positive emotions, such as love. When this occurred, the subconscious mind began to guide all his unconscious behaviour and allowed him to notice (through his RAS – reticular activating system) key steps he needed to take via the law of attraction. And of course his intuition (which is also subconscious) would verify through the “gut feel” (we all have this skill) when his move would be right hence faith + quick action allowed him to escalate his progress rapidly over 2 decades.

It is very exciting when we discover the secrets to achievement and fulfilment and so I hope to see you soon at one of our events. I look forward to further sharing with you and helping you apply these wisdoms to magnify your life and success. Remember, when you make all your goals and aspirations an act of love of life, you will rise to the top of your potential dramatically.

In the interim, live life with passion, purpose, and always be at peace.

Stan Kontos 

As South Australia’s foremost authority on “Peak Life Performance” and “Leadership Psychology”, Stan has a passion for the development of Human Potential through the use of Rapid Change Technologies.
Stan is a prolific reader of books and material on self empowerment and has attended numerous programs around the world on personal development, management, marketing, public speaking, and wealth creation. He is a worldwide accredited NLP Trainer (Neurolinguistic Programming).

His areas of passion include:

  • Coaching: Business, Executive and Personal
  • Mentoring: Leaders, Managers and Management teams
  • Therapy for rapid improvements in stress and personal blocks
  • Leadership Development
  • Life Enhancing Seminar Programs teaching Success Strategies and Personal Empowerment

Stan is an entrepreneur with business interests in various states across Australia.

Stan focuses on continuous and never ending improvement of himself and his teams of partners and associates as well as selfless contribution to others. He is an inspiring and motivating speaker, author, coach, and entrepreneur. He desires to expand people’s lives and to expand his charitable quests.

Stan is considered to be one’s “ultimate” life and business coach.