Tag Archive for: Success Principles FOR PERSONAL

Next Level Retreat 2025 | Two days of intensive personal growth and development

Two days of intensive personal growth and development that will change your life

Barossa Valley Resort

Away from daily life, you’ll have the time and specialist guidance to work on yourself and your life… and ultimately create the life you want to live as well as a solid plan you’ll want to stick with when you go home.

In two immersive days with some of South Australia’s finest performance coaches, you’ll learn strategies for success in every area of your life. You’ll discover how to break out of patterns that are holding you back. You’ll learn simple, powerful strategies that successful people rely on to create more success in their lives. You’ll get closer to your purpose and dreams. And…

You’ll learn how to harness the power of your mind to create the life of your dreams.


Whether you want to focus on your family, work, purpose, relationships, life balance, general happiness, spirituality or health, the Next Level Retreat will offer you tried and tested tools to create real and lasting results.

In fact, you can use the information you’ll learn to improve anything at all in your life.


You’ll explore the intricacies of the mind-body-spirit connection and how to create abundance

How you think, what you say, what you believe to be true and how you manage your body all have a powerful part to play in creating your reality and results. If you’ve ever wondered why some people have all the luck or the same things keep on happening in your life, you’ll be thrilled to discover at the Next Level Retreat that the answers are simple and you can become the lucky person and start achieving different (better) results than you have before. This applies to anything in your life because…

The Next Level Retreat is presented by the founders of South Australia’s foremost coaching and peak performance organisation, SOL Results. Each presenter is a master NLP (neuro-linguistic programming) practitioner and a highly accomplished master coach.

Stan Kontos, Manual Karkafiris, John Ngatia and Peter Gardiakos.

Together, their skills and experience combine to bring you one of the most powerful, life-changing programs available in Australia today.

Next Level Retreat 2024 | Two day event

Two days of intensive personal growth and development that will change your life

Barossa Valley Resort

Away from daily life, you’ll have the time and specialist guidance to work on yourself and your life… and ultimately create the life you want to live as well as a solid plan you’ll want to stick with when you go home.

In two immersive days with some of South Australia’s finest performance coaches, you’ll learn strategies for success in every area of your life. You’ll discover how to break out of patterns that are holding you back. You’ll learn simple, powerful strategies that successful people rely on to create more success in their lives. You’ll get closer to your purpose and dreams. And…

You’ll learn how to harness the power of your mind to create the life of your dreams.


Whether you want to focus on your family, work, purpose, relationships, life balance, general happiness, spirituality or health, the Next Level Retreat will offer you tried and tested tools to create real and lasting results.

In fact, you can use the information you’ll learn to improve anything at all in your life.


You’ll explore the intricacies of the mind-body-spirit connection and how to create abundance

How you think, what you say, what you believe to be true and how you manage your body all have a powerful part to play in creating your reality and results. If you’ve ever wondered why some people have all the luck or the same things keep on happening in your life, you’ll be thrilled to discover at the Next Level Retreat that the answers are simple and you can become the lucky person and start achieving different (better) results than you have before. This applies to anything in your life because…

The Next Level Retreat is presented by the founders of South Australia’s foremost coaching and peak performance organisation, SOL Results. Each presenter is a master NLP (neuro-linguistic programming) practitioner and a highly accomplished master coach.

Stan Kontos, Manual Karkafiris, John Ngatia and Peter Gardiakos.

Together, their skills and experience combine to bring you one of the most powerful, life-changing programs available in Australia today.

Masterclass Series | October 2023 | How to Pick a Property Hotspot


There are strategies for success. Things we know work when they’re applied consistently. They’re age-old strategies, yet they’re not taught in schools, universities or technical colleges. Chances are, your parents didn’t teach you either. Not because they didn’t want to, just because no one taught them. In fact, it’s surprising how few people know and use them.

Join us and learn from the expert! Peter Koulizos, The Property Expert, who will help you understand capital growth, and provide you with a snapshot and a step by step process when selecting suburbs for potential investment

Not all suburbs are alike, therefore not all suburbs have the same investment potential. There is both an art and a science to selecting suburbs for their capital growth potential. Peter Koulizos will show you, step by step, how to find the best investment suburbs.

WEDNESDAY 25 October 2023 | 7.00 PM – 8.00 PM ACDT (light refreshments included)

How to Pick a Property Hotspot: It’s Both an Art and a Science with Peter Koulizos – The Property Professor

Networking from 6.30 PM

Marshall & Brougham | 12 Dequetteville Terrace, Kent Town SA 5067

About our guest speaker Peter Koulizos | The Property Professor

Peter is currently the National Coordinator of the Property and Share Investment courses at TafeSA, Gold Coast TAFE and The Property School in Sydney. He also teaches in the Property degree program at the University of South Australia. He holds a teaching degree, Graduate Diploma in Property and Masters of Business (Property). He has been teaching in real estate and investment for over ten years. Peter also personally invests in property.

Peter has the ability to combine the theory of property investment with the practical aspects so as to teach people how to make money for themselves from investing in property, whether they be buying, selling, renting, renovating or developing property. Peter also researches property markets around the nation, looking for the best suburbs to invest in each capital city. He has recently published a book titled “The Property Professor’s Top Australian Suburbs”.

Join us on Wednesday 25th October 2023.

The SOL Results team looks forward to welcoming you. Buy your tickets now to secure your place!


Masterclass Series | September 2023 | The Goals to Achieving Financial Freedom



There are strategies for success. Things we know work when they’re applied consistently. They’re age-old strategies, yet they’re not taught in schools, universities or technical colleges. Chances are, your parents didn’t teach you either. Not because they didn’t want to, just because no one taught them. In fact, it’s surprising how few people know and use them.

The Goals to Achieving Financial Freedom – protecting your financial future
with guestspeaker Eben Lok – Principal/ William Buck – Wealth Advisors

Achieving financial freedom typically involves setting clear goals and following a strategic plan. Research shows that financial issues were rated as the top cause of stress for Australians. With the right plan and advice, your financial future can be more certain.

WEDNESDAY 13 September 2023 | 7.00 PM – 8.00 PM ACDT (light refreshments included)
Networking from 6.30 PM

Star Pharmacy National Support Office
Unit 2/108 Rundle St, Kent Town, SA, 5067

Achieving financial freedom typically involves setting clear goals and following a strategic plan.

Research shows that financial issues were rated as the top cause of stress for Australians. Understanding the opportunities and financial strategies early in your life will aim to improve your financial position before it’s too late. Having a plan in place and working with a professional can lead to better outcomes including financial independence and comfort about your financial security into the future.

An overlooked and undervalued component of protecting your financial future is personal risk insurance. We will discuss the various types of personal insurance and how this can provide comfort for you and your family in the event of an unexpected death, injury or medical illness.

With the right plan and advice, your financial future can be more certain.

Masterclass Series | June 2021 | John Ngatia Success Principles

Success Principles


Wednesday 16 June 2021 | 7pm-8pm, networking from 6.30pm


Join us at Marshall & Brougham OR online via Zoom

12 Dequetteville Terrace, Kent Town SA 5067


How to move from Ordinary to Extra Ordinary

Success is the result of doing things in a certain way. Success has a recipe and if followed, we are bound to succeed in business, professionally and personally.

Ask yourself two important questions…

  • Where do you want to be?
  • Where are you now?

In this special masterclass we shall look into the step-by-step process of what is required to be successful in business, professionally and personally.


We shall look into strategies that you can apply to experience a fulfilled and inspired lifestyle. We will also look into the process of resolving challenges or blocks along your way to success.

Yours in success,

The SOL Results Team



Learning a new skill or deepening your knowledge will broaden the opportunities open to you, at the same time empowering you as an individual. We want to support you in your continuous personal or professional development, by offering a range of Masterclasses.



Each Masterclass includes a focused presentation from our coach, a small breakout activity to help you apply the topic to your life or work, then open discussion and Q&A. Each Masterclass will start with some nibbles and the opportunity to meet the other attendees.