Learn the 7 Master Steps for Creating New Habits with Peter Gardiakos
Like it or not, our life revolves around habitual daily rituals that become weekly, yearly and shape us in life for better or worse.
Habits are either assisting us to achieve and move forward towards our desired outcomes, or they are not serving us and either holding us back or sabotaging our life.
The key is to keep doing what is serving us , stop doing what is not serving us and change these bad habits to good habits to move forward faster and easier.
In the 7 Master Steps Masterclass, you will learn the 7 steps that you can apply to break the pattern of bad habits and replace them with good habits.
The steps are easy to do and are reproducible in all areas of life including health, wealth and even addicted behaviours that affect you mentally and emotionally.
So come and join me to be inspired and motivated to win in life.
Also as an added bonus find out how to break out of being inside the problem, to being outside the problem and finding the answers you are looking for.
Hope to see you there
Yours in success,
The SOL Results Team
Learning a new skill or deepening your knowledge will broaden the opportunities open to you, at the same time empowering you as an individual. We want to support you in your continuous personal or professional development, by offering a range of Masterclasses.
Each Masterclass includes a focused presentation from our coach, a small breakout activity to help you apply the topic to your life or work, then open discussion and Q&A. Each Masterclass will start with some nibbles and the opportunity to meet the other attendees.