13 – Who’s on your team?
I am fortunate in that many years ago I realised that the most important thing in life apart from having a faith in God is the importance of relationships. You see everything we achieve in life is the result of the assistance by other people – I often quote the wisdom from the late Dr Wayne Dyer “You alone can do it but you cannot do it alone”.
The word TEAM (together everyone achieves more) can be interchanged with “mastermind”, or “board”, or “mentors”. You see, people help you see what you cannot see – they are like a side mirror making you aware of your “blind spots” as you drive in the journey of life and in your career/business. The great ancient wisdom “without counsel purposes are disappointed, but in the multitude of counsellors they are established” tells us that even from the BC days, the importance of having a team to support you in life and in your work was paramount.
So, no matter what goals you want to achieve this year in the various areas of life, who is on your team to assist you? Who will keep you accountable, who will stimulate ideas, and who will help you solve issues quickly so you can keep moving forward?
We all must take great care of our team for it takes many years to build trust and a close relationship and yet only one silly behaviour (greed, envy, criticism, deceit) can bring the relationship toward ruin. Always think of your team – know when it is their birthday, stay in touch regularly with them and see how they are, and of course always send positive thoughts to them wishing them prosperity and good health.
Much of your wealth is linked to the quality of your team – if you have a good team, you will notice as the years go by that you will be much better off than if you had been alone. The thoughts and behaviours of our team “rub off” onto us and soon we begin to adapt the empowering ways of our team so we become better. And likewise do not introduce people into your team that have poor habits like bad language, poor attitudes, and negativity.
I encourage you today to begin developing your team – learn to give without the need to receive. Selfless giving is the cornerstone to creating great relationships and the law of life always brings this goodness back to you 10 fold or more. Buy your team coffees, have them over for lunch, take them out socially, and think of gifts that would brighten their day. Everybody loves a giver so choose to be giving and not taking.
As the years go by see what happens to your environment and what amazing people you begin to attract into your life. These people are the foundation of your future good fortune.
If you would like one of us to be part of your team in the form of a coach (we take on clients for 12 months at a time), please contact us by going to http://www.solresultscoaching.com/ We would love to be a part of your team this year.
Live with passion, purpose and always be at peace,
Stan Kontos
His areas of passion include:
- Coaching: Business, Executive and Personal
- Mentoring: Leaders, Managers and Management teams
- Therapy for rapid improvements in stress and personal blocks
- Leadership Development
- Life Enhancing Seminar Programs teaching Success Strategies and Personal Empowerment
Stan is an entrepreneur with business interests in various states across Australia.
Stan focuses on continuous and never ending improvement of himself and his teams of partners and associates as well as selfless contribution to others. He is an inspiring and motivating speaker, author, coach, and entrepreneur. He desires to expand people’s lives and to expand his charitable quests.
Stan is considered to be one’s “ultimate” life and business coach.
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