Guest Post | John Ngatia | Success and Circumstances

57 – The importance of the right relationships in your life


Who you hang around with most of the time is who you become most like. In this article, I am referring to your “peers” (friends, work colleagues, associates). When you develop a peer network, you create an unconscious connection with these people. Your unconscious desire is to remain in harmony (rapport) with these people as that is what brings us joy in life. We all enjoy good harmonious relations. However, the relations you have in your life are the biggest factor to the way your life evolves. Yes I will repeat this – the relations you have in your life are the biggest factor to the way your life evolves. WOW, that is significant. If you have healthy relationships with positive aspirational, successful, balanced people , you will also unconsciously adopt these traits.

If you desire to have good health, you need to value good health, and the people you hang around with on a consistent basis will  influence you here. Similarly, if you value a good marriage or partnership, then the people you hang around with need to give it the value it deserves and be showing good leadership in this area. Did you know that if you want lots of money and wealth, then the people you hang around with need to be affluent, and if you want to be joyful and spiritual in nature, then the people you associate with also need to be seeking this state as well. Now I know you may not find one person that has all of these traits, however you need to look at who you want to become and to ensure there are people with these strengths of character in your regular (daily) environment as they will influence you unconsciously. Who you hang around with on a consistent basis, you will become most like. It is so true.

I encourage you to reflect on your environment and make some choices on how you will improve it. Perhaps make it a goal for 2020 to bring in some new friendships that will positively influence you in the direction of your chosen destiny.

One of those environments is our Breakfast at the Next Level, whereby we bring great guests and highly motivated people together, to learn about getting more out of life. Checkout our website and come along to our next breakfast event. If you have not been lately, the SOL Results team invite you to attend, we look forward to welcoming you!

I encourage you to live a life with passion, purpose and always be at peace.

Stan Kontos 

As South Australia’s foremost authority on “Peak Life Performance” and “Leadership Psychology”, Stan has a passion for the development of Human Potential through the use of Rapid Change Technologies.   Stan is a prolific reader of books and material on self empowerment and has attended numerous programs around the world on personal development, management, marketing, public speaking, and wealth creation. He is a worldwide accredited NLP Trainer (Neurolinguistic Programming).

His areas of passion include:

  • Coaching: Business, Executive and Personal
  • Mentoring: Leaders, Managers and Management teams
  • Therapy for rapid improvements in stress and personal blocks
  • Leadership Development
  • Life Enhancing Seminar Programs teaching Success Strategies and Personal Empowerment

Stan is an entrepreneur with business interests in various states across Australia.

Stan focuses on continuous and never ending improvement of himself and his teams of partners and associates as well as selfless contribution to others. He is an inspiring and motivating speaker, author, coach, and entrepreneur. He desires to expand people’s lives and to expand his charitable quests.

Best wishes to you as you live a life of passion, purpose and peace as an open minded progressive human being.

Stan is considered to be one’s “ultimate” life and business coach.

56 – What are the three key factors for success?


People often ask me “What are the secrets to success?”  It’s an interesting question for there are so many answers. As you know, we interview an industry leader at our monthly Breakfast at The Next Level from February to December each year. If I reflect on the many industry leaders we have had over the last 10 years I’d have to say that there are three secrets you must absolutely do to succeed. Yes there are many others, however these are a MUST not a should do.

First and foremost, who you hang around with is who you become. Yes that’s right. Peer group is one of the most powerful (subconscious) forces that help one to succeed. There is a valid wisdom that goes like this “If you want to fly like an eagle, do not hang around with turkeys”. Whilst I believe that all human beings are created equal and are equally important, I also know that when I hang around with someone who is good at a particular vocation or skill, I tend to pick up these qualities with time and learn to think similarly. If you want to be healthy, hang around with people who focus and talk about eating healthy, keeping fit, and looking after their body and mind. If you want to make lots of money, be in the company of people who manufacture their own money whenever they want.

Secondly, you must set and monitor goals. High achievers set goals and review them daily. They are obsessed with their goals. Goals help you stretch, grow and become a better person. I love setting and achieving goals and find the process exhilarating. Setting and manifesting goals is the creation of something in the invisible (thought) and bringing into the visible (matter).

Thirdly, this is a hard one as there are so many to choose from, I’d have to say, execution. Get into the action habit, have a go, take a crack at it and don’t sit around waiting for success. The person who sets a goal, plans, and takes action is the person who succeeds. Get a coach to hold you accountable, I am a big believer in having a coach to help you achieve your goals, and measure yourself daily. What you measure, you manage. If you are not measuring your performance, then you are not managing. Only high performers get to the top in any aspect of life, so decide if you will be one of those people. There is lots of room at the top – in fact, it is lonely at the top! There is plenty of room for more leaders.

So , they are the three key factors to becoming successful with anything you desire or want to do.

Come along to Breakfast at The Next Level, click here to book, and learn more secrets to success.

Success leaves clues for everyone to take and do the same. You too can achieve your life dreams. Let us at SOL Results help you to be more, have more, and give more.

Live with passion, stay on your life purpose, and always be at peace.

Stan Kontos 

As South Australia’s foremost authority on “Peak Life Performance” and “Leadership Psychology”, Stan has a passion for the development of Human Potential through the use of Rapid Change Technologies.   Stan is a prolific reader of books and material on self empowerment and has attended numerous programs around the world on personal development, management, marketing, public speaking, and wealth creation. He is a worldwide accredited NLP Trainer (Neurolinguistic Programming).

His areas of passion include:

  • Coaching: Business, Executive and Personal
  • Mentoring: Leaders, Managers and Management teams
  • Therapy for rapid improvements in stress and personal blocks
  • Leadership Development
  • Life Enhancing Seminar Programs teaching Success Strategies and Personal Empowerment

Stan is an entrepreneur with business interests in various states across Australia.

Stan focuses on continuous and never ending improvement of himself and his teams of partners and associates as well as selfless contribution to others. He is an inspiring and motivating speaker, author, coach, and entrepreneur. He desires to expand people’s lives and to expand his charitable quests.

Best wishes to you as you live a life of passion, purpose and peace as an open minded progressive human being.

Stan is considered to be one’s “ultimate” life and business coach.

55 – Gaining a Spiritual Understanding


I believe it is our birthright to be healthy, prosperous (successful) and growing spiritually – the wisdom passed down over the many centuries is “The Kingdom of Heaven is within you”. What this means is that we develop ourselves internally at the spiritual level and then this development gradually begins to make manifest in our external world. Hence, as we develop more inner peace, more joy and more love, we then exude this into our external world and so express our spiritual development. This process alone is a lifelong journey, one never actually arrives because perfection is not achievable. And when we develop this way internally, we also experience a betterment in our health and in our prosperity provided our mind is conditioned correctly to allow the attraction of such good things into our life.

In fact, my experience has been that as I develop myself and make myself a better person, I then attract people like me. So then the people around me on a daily consistent basis are a reflection of my spiritual development. Wow.. incredible isn’t it!

When you develop your spiritual nature such that you are more peaceful (less anger, less jealousy, and other vices), more joyful (less sadness, less depression) and more love (less hatred, less judgement of others) then people will naturally want to gravitate toward you in both your personal life and business/career life. This then creates more opportunities for a happier more prosperous life.

So it is at the foundational level of our lives that we should devote some time each day to developing our spiritual nature. That small investment of time (it could be 15 minutes of meditation per day coupled to some allocated time in personal reflection and prayer) in my experience yields great benefits both personally and professionally.

Developing one’s spiritual nature, together with developing one’s mind is integral to a successful more prosperous life. We need both spirit and mind to be developed in sync.

I encourage you to begin today to consider a strategy that is achievable and doable each day to enhance your development. I remember years ago a wise mentor once said to me  “You are a spiritual being having a human experience Stan”.

Remember the definition of success by Earl Nightingale, who was one of the very first teachers of personal development, he said, “Success is the progressive realisation of a worthy ideal. That worthy ideal is your spiritual nature being developed and being made useful in a vocation/business of your choosing”.

If you want to know more about this process, please feel free to contact me and I’d be happy to share, or come along to our Breakfast at the Next Level and ask me at the event. I am always happy to assist.

Until we next meet, I wish you prosperity, peace and a life of purpose.

Live with passion, always stay on your life purpose, and stay at peace.

Stan Kontos 

As South Australia’s foremost authority on “Peak Life Performance” and “Leadership Psychology”, Stan has a passion for the development of Human Potential through the use of Rapid Change Technologies.
Stan is a prolific reader of books and material on self empowerment and has attended numerous programs around the world on personal development, management, marketing, public speaking, and wealth creation. He is a worldwide accredited NLP Trainer (Neurolinguistic Programming).

His areas of passion include:

  • Coaching: Business, Executive and Personal
  • Mentoring: Leaders, Managers and Management teams
  • Therapy for rapid improvements in stress and personal blocks
  • Leadership Development
  • Life Enhancing Seminar Programs teaching Success Strategies and Personal Empowerment

Stan is an entrepreneur with business interests in various states across Australia.

Stan focuses on continuous and never ending improvement of himself and his teams of partners and associates as well as selfless contribution to others. He is an inspiring and motivating speaker, author, coach, and entrepreneur. He desires to expand people’s lives and to expand his charitable quests.

Best wishes to you as you live a life of passion, purpose and peace as an open minded progressive human being.

Stan is considered to be one’s “ultimate” life and business coach.

Guest Post | How to Become Aware of Your Own Blocks Towards Success | Manuel Karkafiris

Consider this; you have approximately two million bits of information coming into your mind every second. Out of that total, we tend to filter through the content that we would like to focus on. We do this by using our unconscious filters in our mind. Some of the filters are our Belief Systems, our Values, our language and our memories to name a few. Once the information streams through our filters, it is broken down to approximately 130 bits of information per second. This relates to approximately 7 chunks of information per second.

We then derive a meaning from the event based on our internal representation system, which consists of the following representations:

Visual -Pictures- the way we see things.
Auditory – Sounds- the way we hear things.
Kinaesthetic -Feelings- the way we feel things
Olfactory -Smells- the way we smell things
Gustatory -Tastes- the way we taste things.

After this step, the information that gets through leads you to your unique perception on how you view that particular situation, and you may end up storing this memory away as a reference point. This supports the view that you may have 20 people look at a particular incident and, more than likely you will have 20 different opinions on what just happened and what it meant to them, because it is all based on their model of thinking.

Such a mass of information that we have to deal with at any moment, requires you to take on the role of gatekeeper or editor to ensure that what gets in serves you well. You need a tactic or strategy to better manage this data. One analogy is to see yourself as a gardener, with your mind taking on the role of a garden with its constituent parts of “weeds” (negative thoughts) and “fruitful plants” (positive thoughts).

Ask yourself: “Am I watering the ‘weeds’ of my ‘garden’, which in turn will proliferate negative thoughts, negative patterns and negative behaviours in my life or am I watering the plants that will bear positive fruit?” It would be useful at this point to re-emphasise that whatever you think of consistently, ultimately becomes your experience.

If you concentrate on the weeds or negative thoughts, you will become a manifestation – a personification – of what you train your focus on.
If every thought that you have is negative or limiting, then these thoughts will manifest in your life in a negative way. The result is you will become a pessimist, or perhaps a defeatist.

Conversely, if you plant good thoughts through the power of incanting positive language then from these plants, eventually good fruit will bloom.

The path to follow to gain a better understanding of how important it is to think wisely can be seen below:

THOUGHTS affect our EMOTIONS, which in turn affect our ACTIONS, which then determine our BEHAVIOUR and our RESULTS

It follows that if you have consistent positive thoughts, you will have positive emotions, which in turn will result in positive decisions and positive actions. Ultimately this will lead to long term positive behaviour and results in life that are fruitful. In a very real way, you become the designer of your life.

The key, therefore, is to master your thoughts and your emotional state.

When you change your thoughts from negative to positive, your emotions in turn will change and so on through the continuum.

One way to fast track change in your emotional state (should you discover that you are indulging in un-resourceful negative states, such as anger, frustration, sadness etc…), is to change your physiology, which in turn will bring about a positive change to your emotional state.

There are a few ways you can do this. It may mean you get up and go for a walk, take some deep breaths or to play some of your favourite music and if you feel up to it – dance. By changing your physiology and focus you can interrupt the pattern of a negative state.

In its simplest form, the committed study of your thoughts and emotions and how to positively use them to benefit you is the essence of motivation. If you wish to develop a winner’s image of yourself, this study is crucial.

There are many definitions of a winner. At the core of every definition is the indisputable consideration that a winner is the person who has discovered success, happiness and self-fulfilment.

Many people have discovered that their path to happiness may be short-circuited by the continual blaming of their environment in which they live (or have lived) in. This may indeed be the facts of their lives, but the truth is: YOU CAN CHANGE YOUR ENVIRONMENT BY FOCUSING ON WHAT YOU WANT AND NOT WHERE YOU ARE. It must be noted however, that it is important to surround yourself with people who are supportive of your desires and future direction, because ultimately who you hang around is who you become.

Remember to focus on the truth (that you can control the way you think about things), not the facts (things that are happening around you)! There are many stories of those who have begun their lives in uncompromising circumstances and rose up! They changed their thinking and eventually they shifted out of the negative environment. For example there are well known billionaires who grew up in the ghettos in America; however they persisted with their dreams and are now some of the wealthiest people in the world. The facts of their lives may have been difficult situations, but the truth is, they planted and watered good thoughts and overcame the facts.

Consider a person who may have limiting thoughts and ideas from a young age about their self image and self esteem. This repetition over the years may have percolated to the present time, and tarnished the confidence of the individual.

Remember, should you find that such an image is anchoring you to the past and preventing you from moving forward, you have the option and the power to change.

As a first step, visualise yourself as a winner on a continual basis and eventually your subconscious mind will believe this. See yourself achieving positive outcomes and emotionalise the experience as if it has already happened. Gaze into the mirror and continually incant positive affirmations. If you follow this procedure with progressive action, eventually, your subconscious mind will ‘get the picture’. You will happily discover that you begin to act and behave differently as a result and, in the process; you will have effectively designed yourself for a brighter future.

Education is not about honing memory skills, it is about changing behaviours. It is about continual personal growth. In a nutshell, we are just like the trees and plants in nature: Nothing in life ever remains stagnant or idle. We are either growing or developing, or we are either deteriorating or possibly dying.
You need to be constantly inspired. Growth gives you this opportunity.

Success is as much about unlearning as it is about learning. If you desire success, you need to unlearn old thoughts, old behaviours and old patterns. Success is about enjoying the journey as you progress towards your goals.

Limiting beliefs are the thoughts that keep cropping up and serve only to hold you back from reaching your worthy ideal. It is essential to become fully aware of such beliefs, all the better to be able to identify them and to “weed” them out of your life.

How do limiting beliefs implant themselves in your mind’s “garden”? We can take the hypothetical example of a young child who performed below expectations during a particular activity, say a test or sporting event. He/she received negative feedback and this is implanted in his/her mind. Subsequent events where the child again receives negative feedback reinforces and ‘confirms’ that child’s initial limiting belief (e.g. “I’m not good enough”) in him/herself. That child uses such feedback as ‘references’ to support such a belief. This accumulated ‘evidence’ creates a situation whereby that child, now a teenager, has collected such a mass of limiting beliefs that he/she is more than likely to be quiet, a follower and with low self-esteem.

Such limiting beliefs have implanted themselves in the teenager’s mind due to the fact that the initial childhood event had emotions attached to it. Unless he/she changes that underyling limiting belief, his/her adult life may be significantly restricted.

As human beings, we will constantly and automatically search for ‘evidence’ to prove ourselves ‘right’. We live our lives that way; we choose friends and associates that support that belief. In short, our lives become those beliefs. We are self-fulfilling prophecies. Beliefs actually ‘hypnotise’ us.

A prime example of a limiting belief is: “I don’t have enough money”. If you constantly and automatically affirm this belief to yourself, you will find ‘evidence’ for your poverty. One way to deal with this limitation is to realise that you don’t need the money. What you need is the intention to acquire that money. i.e. “I will find a way to get the money”. Please realise that if you are fully committed, if you positively change your thoughts and beliefs, then you will positively change your results.


The crucial requirement is to interrupt your past patterns and behaviours. The first step for thinking differently is to write down any limiting beliefs you have. It is a powerful activity to do this, as you will be able to see exactly what it is that has been holding you back. Bring them out into the open and become aware of how they may have negatively influenced your decisions, your actions and your life overall.

The only way to grow is to break through such beliefs. As you go through this process of discovery, you will find that you have either consciously or unconsciously created them. The truth is they exist merely in your mind and, by ‘watering’ such ‘weeds’, you give them more power and influence over your life.

What follows next is a process for eliminating, once and for all, your limiting beliefs. It is a process of interrupting your past limiting thoughts, patterns and behaviours.

  • Be aware that you have a limiting belief. Even if you say: “I don’t have a limiting belief”, that within itself is a limiting belief because you are holding yourself back from growing. This first step will bring such beliefs to your full awareness and expose what needs to be worked on. One way of finding out your limitation is to ask yourself “What’s my outcome?” For example it may be to make more money, change careers or lose weight. The next step is to ask yourself “What’s preventing me from making this happen?” The resulting answer is your limiting belief! For example it could be “I’m too old, I’m too young, I don’t have the time, or perhaps I don’t have the money”. Once we discover our limiting belief, we then need to work on eliminating it, by associating pain to the belief.
  • Leverage. All beliefs carry with them consequences. Project yourself five years into the future. Visualise yourself holding onto the beliefs you hold today. What do you see? If you experience pain at holding onto these beliefs five years from now, fully experience that pain. Make it a truly intense experience. What are the consequences in holding this belief as true? Psychologically? Emotionally? Financially? What is the price you will pay for holding onto such beliefs five years from now? Ask: “What have I missed out on by holding onto such beliefs?” and/or “If I continue believing this, where will I be in five years’ time?” Fully emotionalise this experience, make it emotionally painful such that it becomes a catalyst for change.
  • Interrupting The Pattern. Liken this stage to the scratching of a CD. If you damage a CD in this way, you are rendering it unplayable. So it is with your limiting beliefs: if you interrupt the pattern of your limiting beliefs, you stop them from ‘playing’ through your mind. You can interrupt this pattern by (once again, with EMOTION) asserting: ” STOP!!… THIS IS RIDICULOUS!! or CHANGE!!! Or CANCEL THIS THOUGHT!!”
  • Creating and Installing a New Belief. Like nature, your belief system dislikes a vacuum. You have removed a limiting belief and now you need to replace it with a more life-affirming version. If previously you believed “I don’t have enough money”, replace this with: “I am committed to create the money”. If previously you believed “I don’t have enough time”, replace that with: “I am efficient and create more time”. What would you need to believe in order to have the life you want?
  • Condition Your New Belief. Incant your new belief over and over again. Visualise yourself five years from now with the positive consequences of living the new empowering belief! Emotionalise it! Even if your conscious mind doesn’t initially believe it, gradually, your subconscious (or ‘automatic’) mind will!
  • Test Your New Belief. This is the stage at which you confirm the validity of your new belief. This is where you will undertake a comparative study whereby you compare the old belief with the new. The differences between the two, and the positives that arise from changing, will confirm that you are on the right path to a new reality.

Example: Ask yourself what do I think about my old belief system? How do I feel about my new empowering belief?

All limiting beliefs, all fears and blocks, are in your subconscious. They are memories and neuro-associations, firing off and making you feel bad at times when you don’t want them.

In essence, it is programming and past conditioning.

You have to be very wary of how you program yourself (or how you have been conditioned in the past) and change it in order to redesign yourself for a bright future. By creating this awareness you have the personal power to condition new thoughts, actions and behaviours.

It is all about perception.
Is it possible that you can design and program yourself to look at life and experience it in a more fulfilling and better way?

The answer is undeniably “YES”.

Manuel Karkafiris is a Director of SOL Results. He is a sought after Master Coach, Business Entrepreneur and Internationally Certified NLP Trainer.

54 – Having a Creativity Break


When was the last time you had a holiday break? Even if it was just for a weekend away? I want to encourage you to develop an annual program whereby you have some regular breaks away from your normal routine. It is during these times you experience a surge of new thoughts (creativity) that if harnessed has the power to transform your life to the next level. This process has certainly brought some amazing changes for me.

You see any holiday is a “Holy-day” or a “Whole-ly day”. This is where you become more rested, peaceful, and where you experience a change in thinking for the better. Suddenly solutions come to life’s issues, and great ideas pop up that you never knew you had within you. Here’s the secret… write these thoughts down. Yes, write them down in a notebook (I always carry a notebook with me or my iPhone which has a note book in it) and when you get back home, put them into your “Goals System”. I have a Goal Planner in the form of a folder containing my goals for the next 20 years in sections each year such as health, finances, leisure, self development, business/career, spiritual development, friendships, relationships and family.

Once they are written in your goals folder, then now you need to set up some steps into how you will bring this new idea into reality. As time goes by, you will see your life change (for the better) from these holiday breaks.

Isn’t it amazing how we can take something from the “spiritual” and convert it to the “physical”. We receive a thought and through our will, we eventually convert it to reality. It may sound simple, and it is, however it is not easy – that is because we do need to put in the effort. Effort is required to plan these mini-getaways, effort is required to “capture” these thoughts when they appear, and effort is required to convert them to goals and finally effort is required to take the daily steps of these goals in order to bring them into reality.

Now you may ask me “Is it worth the effort Stan?” My answer is a resounding “Yes! Yes! Yes!”

The day will come when you will look back over a short period of a few years and see the incredible positive changes that have occurred in your life and career and you will be so glad that you put this extra effort into your life.

You have but one life so I encourage you to make it a masterpiece.

Live with passion, always stay on your life purpose, and stay at peace.

Stan Kontos 

As South Australia’s foremost authority on “Peak Life Performance” and “Leadership Psychology”, Stan has a passion for the development of Human Potential through the use of Rapid Change Technologies.
Stan is a prolific reader of books and material on self empowerment and has attended numerous programs around the world on personal development, management, marketing, public speaking, and wealth creation. He is a worldwide accredited NLP Trainer (Neurolinguistic Programming).

His areas of passion include:

  • Coaching: Business, Executive and Personal
  • Mentoring: Leaders, Managers and Management teams
  • Therapy for rapid improvements in stress and personal blocks
  • Leadership Development
  • Life Enhancing Seminar Programs teaching Success Strategies and Personal Empowerment

Stan is an entrepreneur with business interests in various states across Australia.

Stan focuses on continuous and never ending improvement of himself and his teams of partners and associates as well as selfless contribution to others. He is an inspiring and motivating speaker, author, coach, and entrepreneur. He desires to expand people’s lives and to expand his charitable quests.

Best wishes to you as you live a life of passion, purpose and peace as an open minded progressive human being.

Stan is considered to be one’s “ultimate” life and business coach.

53 – Change Your Thoughts… Change Your Life


We have all heard I am sure the sayings “Good things come to those who wait” and “Patience is but a virtue”. Well, I’d like to add that good things come only to those who think good and patiently wait. You see, if you patiently wait but always think negatively, worry, or constantly whinge or complain, then good things are unlikely to come to you. However, if you become one of those people who are grateful for the little things, if you notice what is good in your life and work, and you think about the good things you would like in your life, and are prepared to be patient, then you are much more likely to see these good things when they appear in your life. Yes, good things come to those who think good and who patiently wait.

Earl Nightingale one of the early forefathers of personal development once said, along the lines “You become what you think about, most of the time”. Here was an incredibly wise man that spearheaded the personal development movement – that it is important to take good care of your mind and think constructively. God has given us all a mind, if we use it constructively, we create blessings, if we use it destructively, we create problems for ourselves and others.

It is so important that we practice on a daily basis to think well. Here are five simple tips into how you can master your mind and think more positively :

  1. Listen daily to inspirational music : perhaps whilst driving in your car, listen to music that lifts your spirits and makes you feel great. You will think much better.
  2. Exercise everyday for at least 30 minutes : I am sure you can find the time to go for a brisk walk or a run or a gym session. There is always a way if we are truly committed. Your mind will love you for it.
  3. Spend time in nature : It could be your garden, or a park nearby, or walk on the beach. Nature has a habit of changing our thoughts and making us much calmer.
  4. Have a coffee or a meal : Or simply ring up someone who is positive and uplifting, who we hang around with is who we become like. Hang around with at least one positive person each day.
  5. Spend 15 minutes or more meditating or praying each day. Learn to connect at a higher level. Learn the inspirational power that comes from meditation and prayer.

We over estimate what we want to achieve in one year but under estimate what we can achieve in a five year period. And where we will be in five years is directly related to how we think on a consistent basis each and every day. Begin today to think positively and watch your life change toward a bright new exciting future.

If you really want to have impact on your mind, come along to The Next Level Retreat and gain more success in your work, better health, more wealth, more happiness, more balance, more fulfillment and more energy in your life. Our 2 day Retreat will be held on Thursday 12th and Friday 13th September, click here to read more about the event.

Live with passion, always stay on your life purpose, and stay at peace.

Stan Kontos 

As South Australia’s foremost authority on “Peak Life Performance” and “Leadership Psychology”, Stan has a passion for the development of Human Potential through the use of Rapid Change Technologies.
Stan is a prolific reader of books and material on self empowerment and has attended numerous programs around the world on personal development, management, marketing, public speaking, and wealth creation. He is a worldwide accredited NLP Trainer (Neurolinguistic Programming).

His areas of passion include:

  • Coaching: Business, Executive and Personal
  • Mentoring: Leaders, Managers and Management teams
  • Therapy for rapid improvements in stress and personal blocks
  • Leadership Development
  • Life Enhancing Seminar Programs teaching Success Strategies and Personal Empowerment

Stan is an entrepreneur with business interests in various states across Australia.

Stan focuses on continuous and never ending improvement of himself and his teams of partners and associates as well as selfless contribution to others. He is an inspiring and motivating speaker, author, coach, and entrepreneur. He desires to expand people’s lives and to expand his charitable quests.

Best wishes to you as you live a life of passion, purpose and peace as an open minded progressive human being.

Stan is considered to be one’s “ultimate” life and business coach.

52 – The Harder I Work, The Luckier I Get


Whilst I am a big advocate on leading a balanced life, there are times when we need to work hard. If you own your own business or you manage a business, you know there are times when you need to “roll up your sleeves”, put your head down and take on the business growth, or solve an issue or cover for staff who are away. There are times when high achievers have to put in the long hours to get the job done. However, what is important, is realising that leading a balanced life is realising when you are out of balance and gradually bringing yourself back to normality.

I am also an advocate on “doing whatever it takes” (of course within guidelines of best practice) to get the result. This will involve at times putting in extra hours and working hard. What I have learnt though is that when I work hard, I get lucky. As long as I have my “day of sabbath” (a full day of rest, prayer and reflection), I can go hard for six days. This high intensity brings me great results. All people who succeed in life (whether it be in a career, a business, a charity, a giving program, or a stay home parent running a family) always have and always will have times where they need to work hard.

During these periods of hard work, I am always thinking of the result I want to achieve and who I can handover some of the workload so that I can get back into a more balanced life. So it also becomes a period of hiring the right person, training them up, setting up good systems and KPI’s and then delegating/empowering the right person so I can eventually exit that role and take on other roles which I enjoy more and create more value in.

If there is something you want to do well in (for example, develop or invest in real estate, or invest in the sharemarket, or learn a new language, or become good at a new team sport) then there is no substitute for hard work – the more I practice, the more skilled I get. The more skilled I become, the more I do well. Hard work is and has always been at the corner stone of all great achievements. Of course many of us know, that when we take on something and we learn to love it, it does not seem like hard work anymore – it is a joy!

I encourage you to begin today thinking about what you would like to excel in and then design to put in some extra hours to develop your skills and capabilities. You will be surprised what will happen during a short intense period of hard work – you will have mastered a skill for the rest of your life. You will then be in a position to teach others so you can leverage out of that position or create other high performing individuals in your organisation, family or team. Great leaders are teachers who have been there and done it before.

I look forward to hearing your story one day of a period of hard work where you knuckled down and did whatever it took to get the result. One day in years to come you will look back and share the story with your loved ones as a period of great achievement. And when I hear it, I will say to you “Well done!”

Live with passion, always stay on your life purpose, and stay at peace.

Stan Kontos 

As South Australia’s foremost authority on “Peak Life Performance” and “Leadership Psychology”, Stan has a passion for the development of Human Potential through the use of Rapid Change Technologies.
Stan is a prolific reader of books and material on self empowerment and has attended numerous programs around the world on personal development, management, marketing, public speaking, and wealth creation. He is a worldwide accredited NLP Trainer (Neurolinguistic Programming).

His areas of passion include:

  • Coaching: Business, Executive and Personal
  • Mentoring: Leaders, Managers and Management teams
  • Therapy for rapid improvements in stress and personal blocks
  • Leadership Development
  • Life Enhancing Seminar Programs teaching Success Strategies and Personal Empowerment

Stan is an entrepreneur with business interests in various states across Australia.

Stan focuses on continuous and never ending improvement of himself and his teams of partners and associates as well as selfless contribution to others. He is an inspiring and motivating speaker, author, coach, and entrepreneur. He desires to expand people’s lives and to expand his charitable quests.

Best wishes to you as you live a life of passion, purpose and peace as an open minded progressive human being.

Stan is considered to be one’s “ultimate” life and business coach.

Guest Post | Six Ways to a Successful Life

GUEST POST BY  Manuel Karkafirs 

Have you ever noticed that some people look happy and joyous all the time, whilst other people prefer to live and dwell in their negative emotions? What causes this? What do successful people, who are in balance, do differently to the rest of the population? The fact is there are no secrets. Creating a balanced life involves being aware of the following 6 principles. Practicing them may unlock a new outlook to your life.
Real change can happen in a heartbeat, as long as you’re committed to using the hidden potential inside of you. This coincides with an old parable that states: “Without knowing the within you will never know the without”. The real truth about our journey here on Earth is: “It’s not about what you do, but who you become”.

From my research on numerous ultra successful entrepreneurs, I have observed the following practices to be used by many of them:

(a) Real change, massive change, comes from the way you communicate to yourself, which in turn affects your communication with others. Studies have shown that our communication involves 7% Words, 38% Voice Tonality and 55% Physiology.
Our physiology is critical to the way we control our state and our emotions, which in turn affects our behaviors and the responses we get from others. Physiology refers to the way we use and move our body. In particular our posture, gestures and breathing. Have you ever noticed that depressed or sad people have lower postures and shallower breathing, as opposed to happy or excited people who are upright in posture, and breathing fully? If you try smiling in a depressed posture, the state change is immediate. You will notice that the intensity of depression drops off.
(b) The language and the vocabulary you use consistently can affect your state dramatically. When asked How are you today? There is a different emotional feeling when you respond “Not bad” as opposed to “Fantastic”. This is more than just positive thinking it is the way we are wired neurologically. Words have the power to uplift or to destroy.
(c) Nothing in life has a meaning other than the meaning you give it. This means everything seems real in our perception.One person may look at a Roller Coaster and think “WOW… this is exciting:” and another may look at it as a very scary experience. It’s the same event with two different perceptions. So when you change the way you perceive things, the things you look at are seen in a different light.

How can you hit a target that does not exist? Many people in our society do not have an empowering vision, an outcome to aim at, or to compel them to create the life they truly desire. Successful people have absolute clarity. They actually define the “Bulls eye” and they know why they want it, as well as taking the first steps of action towards it. They have the mindset that there is no such thing as failure but only a learning experience.

Where do your thoughts come from? Are you your thoughts or your thoughts are you?
Every thought that comes into your mind needs to be treated like a seed. Will this seed be fruitful or will it create weeds in your mind. Each thought leads to a decision, which leads to an action. Your consistent actions lead to habits, which then lead to your character and eventually to your destiny.Be wary of your thoughts.

The quality of the questions you ask will result in the quality of the answers you receive. WHY questions tend to dwell on the problem. Why does this always happen to me? Why can’t I get it right? Your brain will search for an answer and often it is not going to make you feel better. Typical responses are You’re unlucky or you’re no good. WHAT or HOW questions are solution focused. These provide you with an empowering way to move forward. Examples are: How can I make this better? What must I do to improve the situation?

What you focus on is what you will get. Your brain has a sophisticated compass called the Reticulating Activating System, which will focus on the habitual thoughts you put into your unconscious mind. Therefore if you focus consistently on earning more income, your mind will search and find ways.
The negative part is that if you focus that you don’t want to be poor, your unconscious mind does not process the negative, and it will only focus on poor, and that’s what you’ll become.

References are primarily based on past experiences, which support the belief. Our parents and friends often have a big impact on the way we form and condition our beliefs. The more references we have the stronger support for the belief.
Negative or limiting beliefs can disempower people from getting what they want out of life.
Examples are: I’m too young, too old, I don’t have the time, I don’t have the money.
Positive or empowering beliefs provide the appropriate drive and motivation to tackle any challenge or obstacle.
Examples are: I can do anything I set my mind to; the past does not equal the future

In order to create massive change in your life it is all about choices. It is up to you to make the decision to change, as you are in control of your destiny. Be wary of your physiology, your inner communication and the things you focus on. Be prepared to change your limiting belief systems and to confront your fears.

Finally take a quiet walk in nature, still your mind and reflect on all the positive experiences in your life.
Abundance and balance is all in your mind and change can happen in a heartbeat.

Live with passion, stay on purpose, and always be at peace.

Guest Post | The Self Image